鮨 よしい





寿司と言えば、誰もが白木のカウンターをイメージする。それほど、カウンターは寿司屋という空間を物語るものかもしれない。カウンターをデザインすることが寿司屋をつくることであるかのようだが、一方で、「鮨 よしい」では“根源的な寿司屋”をつくることを考えた。
食と空間の関係性において、侘び寂びの体験を生み出し、食することの本能的な感動を提供する場。長いテーブルに人が並び、食というアートが提供されたとき、人々はその場所を寿司屋と呼び始める。ここは寿司屋のはじまりの場所だ。歴史を遡り、現代において寿司屋の起源に立ち返ることで、「鮨 よしい」は新しい寿司屋の姿を手に入れたのではないだろうか。新しさは歴史の中にある。(谷尻 誠/SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE)


鮨 よしい
所在地:東京都港区東麻布1-18-12 2階
設計:SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE 谷尻 誠 吉田 愛 濱谷明博


Talking about a sushi restaurant, everyone imagines a plain wood counter. A counter seems to be a symbol of sushi restaurant space. In other words, to design a counter is to make a sushi restaurant.
However, in this “SUSHI YOSHII” project, we tried to create a more fundamental sushi restaurant.
At the moment a sushi chef makes a sushi above a beautiful chopping board stage in tranquil and serious space with a dim light, a sushi atmosphere arises. The act of making a sushi actualizes the stage and creates a food-art which is done in a minimum time. A reclaimed wood counter and a scale of the space which accentuate the stage are naturally derived. Art pieces as valuable as foods are placed around the counter.
The space provides an impressive experience of eating with wabisabi(Japanese philosophy of simplicity and tranquilness) based on the relationship between sushi and space. When people sit at a long table and art as food is provided, we call it a sushi restaurant.
This is the beginning place of a sushi restaurant. The store has a new style of a sushi restaurant which is a genesis of it. The new is found in its history. (Makoto Tanijiri / SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE)


Location:2F, 1-18-12, Higashiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Open:Jun. 9th, 2015
Design:SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE  Makoto Tanijiri Ai Yoshida Akihiro Hamatani
Floor area:38.64㎡
Capacity:8 seats
Photo:Toshiyuki Yano


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