JW Marriott Hotel Qufu

孔子生誕の地である中国の曲阜(クーフー)に、ホテルJW Marriott Qufuがオープンした。空間デザインは、土地に深く根付いた古の伝統と文化に敬意を表し、時代を超越したデザインとなるよう、古代都市の建造物に倣ったホテルの外観に加え、楽、礼、書など、六芸を取り入れることによって、儒教的価値を生み出すことを目指している。孔子廟を再現したロビーラウンジと1階の茶室、金属の経典で作られた高さ7メートルにもなる銀杏の木の前で膝をつく孔子像、吹き抜けとラウンジを仕切る石造りのムーンゲート(伝統的な庭の通路)、銀色の落ち葉のイラストが刻まれた印象的な金色のアクセントの壁など、古代と現代を意図的に強調し、時代を超えた旅行ができるようにしている。
ゲストルームのデザインは、孔子の「知者は水を楽しみ、仁者は山を楽しむ」という名言からインスピレーションを得て計画。水と森を主なインスピレーションとして、二つの要素の陰陽を伝えるために対照的なカラースキームを採用した。深い茶色は山の硬さを、白は水の流動性を表現。ダークチェスナットの木製タイル、さざ波模様のカーペット、エンボス加工されたヘッドボードが、空間に落ち着いた瞑想効果を与えている。(LTW Designworks


「JW Marriott Hotel Qufu(JWマリオット・ホテル・曲阜)」
所在地:No 99 Banbi Street, Lucheng Subdistrict, Qufu, 273100 China
設計:LTW Designworks Hong Lian Lim
Photo:Seth Powers


Award-winning interior design studio LTW Designworks is pleased to unveil its distinctive designs for JW Marriott Qufu – a new luxury hotel in Qufu, China, the birthplace of renowned philosopher Confucius. Celebrating ancient heritage with modern elegance, LTW brings forth a timeless design that pays tribute to the deep-rooted ancient traditions and cultures of The Analects.
Sitting adjacent to the Confucius Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site, the JW Marriott Qufu stands as an emblem of the ancient city. Tastefully appointed with traditional Chinese features, the hotel’s distinctive exterior emulates structures from the ancient city. Complementing the architecture, LTW aims to bring forth Confucian values through aesthetics inspired by the Six Arts, including music, rituals, and calligraphy.
Inspired by Confucius’ teachings, the Lobby, Lobby Lounge and the Tea House on the first floor replicate the scholar hall at Confucius Temple. Sitting atop a raised stone pond at the lobby’s Atrium, a poetic allusion of “The Great Teacher” takes centre-stage: A statue of Confucius courteously kneels before a seven-metre-tall gingko tree art installation, created with intricately weaved metallic scriptures. Natural lighting saturates the Lobby under a glass roof in a dark timber, bronze-detailed ceiling, highlighting the centrepiece against a stoned Moon Gate – an architectural feature of traditional garden passageways – that partitions the Atrium and Lounge. Echoing this allusion is a striking gold accent wall, engraved with illustrations of falling gingko leaves, which stands behind the reception desk located on the left side of the lobby upon entrance. The gold accent wall, set against the neutral-toned lobby, intentionally highlights a dimension of space that draws on the ancient and modern, allowing guests to travel between the times.
Behind the Moon Gate, the meditative tranquility continues throughout The Lounge. Dark timber furniture, rattan chairs, wooden shelves, ancient Chinese scrolls and traditional stitched bound books fill the space, adorned with low-hanging mesh lanterns to give a warm, inviting ambience. Paying homage to The Analects’ value of education, the Tea House, surrounded by wooden shelves, books and exquisite tea sets, creates a tranquil retreat for guests to rest and study. Public and private spaces are partitioned by white ceramic lattice, accessorised by figures of the Disciples and artistic representations of books, and musical instruments. To the right of the Lobby, a grey stone wall encased with small glass lanterns illuminates the hallway leading to the restaurant spaces. Boasting a full view of the courtyard, the All-Day Dining Area is complete with dark timber tiles, complemented by textured walls and tawny brown leather seating, providing flexibility of functions for groups and private dining.
On the other side, Residence, the two-storey Chinese restaurant, translates the architectural details of the outdoor courtyard into an opulent gathering space. Blending the outdoor environment into its interiors, the ground floor public dining area is framed by stone walls, with a cream-coloured lounge seating area on both sides of the restaurant as a tea-tasting area. Traditional wooden door panels are translated into ornate bronze latticework as door panels and partitions, covering ceilings and window screens. The private dining rooms are highlighted by shades of ochre, displaying artwork that reflects the surrounding historic structures of the area.
Set aside a private courtyard or a veranda, the Guestroom designs draw inspiration from a well-known Confucius saying: “The wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills.” Taking water and woods as the main inspiration, LTW uses a contrasting palette to convey the yin-and-yang of the two elements: deep brown, to represent the rigidness of the mountain, and white, to illustrate the fluidity of water. Dark walnut wooden tiles, ripple-designed carpet and embossed headboard to inject a calming, meditative effect in the space. (LTW Designworks


【JW Marriott Hotel Qufu】
Address: No 99 Banbi Street, Lucheng Subdistrict, Qufu, 273100 China
Open: March, 2019
Design: LTW Designworks Hong Lian Lim
Floor area: 71,253.39 sqm. / 3 floors
Capacity: 188 rooms and 9 suites
Photo: Seth Powers


在孔子诞生地的中国曲阜,开设了JW Marriott Qufu酒店。此次空间设计秉承着对深深扎根于土地的古代传统与文化的敬意,展现了超越时代的设计初衷。不但酒店的外观仿照古代建筑,又通过融合乐,礼,书等六艺的元素来展现儒教的价值。再现了孔子庙的大厅和一楼茶室,设有一尊金属制孔子在银杏树下屈膝授课的经典雕像,最高处可达7米。中庭与休闲区间设有一座石造月拱门(注:中式传统的中庭通路),以及刻有银色落叶图案的金色氛围的墙壁等等,皆意为强调古代与现代融合,使之成为超越时代的时空旅行。
客房的设计,是根据孔子的名言「智者乐水,仁者乐山」得到的设计方案。主要以水与森林为灵感,将两种要素采用了对比鲜明的色彩来体现。以深茶色的山峦来表现强硬,以白色来表现水的流动性。深栗色木砖,有着微波涟漪一般纹路的地毯,以及浮雕加工的床头背板,使整个空间赋予着沉静冥想的效果。(LTW Designworks


设计:LTW Designworks Hong Lian Lim
摄影:Seth Powers

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