Both Boutique






これを踏まえ、「Both Boutique」のデザインコンセプトは「Bridge(架け橋)」としました。世界との「Bridge(架け橋)」となれるよう、世界中の良い物事を伝えるため、世界中を飛び回るような動線を可視化し、それを造形で表現しています。
「コントラスト(対比)」という捉え方を知っているだけで、人は生きる心地が変わってくるのではないでしょうか。「自分は何を望むのか」を知ることで、「自分は何を望まないか」を知ることができ、もっと大きな視点でこの人生を捉え、心身ともにより良い状態のライフスタイルを得らえると考えます。(勝木知寛/PRISM DESIGN、文責BAMBOO)


Both Boutique
所在地:H101,Red Town Sculpture Museum,570 Huaihai W Rd, Changning, Shanghai,China


Red Town is place where an ironworks in Shanghai was renovation. This great outdoor hangout spot has itself into one of Shanghai’s most popular Sculpture art districts. With galleries, cafes, exhibition spaces and creative offices, Red Town makes a great place for casual meetings and quietly working off the grid. There is also a large grassy area for reading, relaxing, doodling, picnicing and whatever it is that people. Both Boutique and Music Store is there. “Life is in contrast to the establishment.” This is a very important concept to tell BOTH keywords. People for negative cognitive dark things, is through positive experiences come to light. Similarly, it is also because of the negative, dark things, in order to more deeply know, understand what is light. Western and Eastern, old and new, static and dynamic, it is so under “contrast” interactions.
Oriental medicine, never will, “Physical” and “Mental” as opposed to look at different things, but that the two are related interactions.
BOTH idea is that there is insight into the “contrast,” the essence of things relations. We want, just know “contrast,” the cognitive approach, is not able to make us have a little change of mood. By knowing what’re hoping, will understand what they do not need. In a broader sense, with this understanding towards life, it makes better physical and mental state to keep and maintain a better lifestyle. We got the opportunity to design boutique and music store. Our design philosophy is the Boutique as a “bridge”, music store is set to “Re-cord (focusing).” This will BOTH principle of action and thinking, manifested space of “contrast” approach. In order to be connected with the world of “Bridge”, BOTH flying back and forth all over the world, to bring good things, Boutique spatial visualization of this action, and by style reflects.
To the wonderful world of information and culture “Re-cord (focusing),” it made the music shop is a gathering of people in this exchange of information or cultural exchanges “Record = loop(Circulation)” place. BOTH via deep understanding of the concept of “contrast,” spy essence of things, The wonderful thing in the world, things, people are “Re-cord (focusing)” together, Become everyone’s “Bridge”, open access to healthy wonderful life “Record = LOOP (Circulation).” (Tomohiro Katsuki / PRISM DESIGN)


Both Boutique
Location:H101,Red Town Sculpture Museum,570 Huaihai W Rd, Changning, Shanghai,China
Open:Sep. 19th, 2015
Floor area:370㎡


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